Food Hero: Robert Egger-Founder and President of L.A. Kitchen

“In the fight against hunger, we need less Sara Lee and more cerebellum,” said Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and L.A. Kitchen.

Engaging Agricultural Communities in the Mediterranean

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Foundation for South-North Mediterranean Dialogue are aiding rural communities in the Medterranean.

The Marathon Man: Running to Outlast Hunger

Celebrated runner Paul Tergat runs to combat child hunger in Africa.

Women Peasants Using Biodiverse Farming to Feed Families

Deccan women peasant farmers use biodiverse planting methods to produce solid agricultural yields.

Redefining the Connection Between Plant and Cuisine: Deborah Madison’s Vegetable Literacy

Vegetable Literacy is a cookbook that looks to nature for innovations in the kitchen.

Food to Share: Incredible Edible Takes Root in France

In France, gardeners are making another revolution—they’re planting food to share in their communities.

Beard Foundation Continues to Foster Culinary Arts while Addressing Obesity and Health

Beard Foundation spreads culinary culture and works with chefs to spread health through good food.

Food Tank Book of the Week: Cooperative Farming: Frameworks for Farming Together

Faith Gilbert’s new guidebook addresses the challenges of small-scale farms and provides a path for them to compete with big agricultural businesses.

Starting Sustainability Early Breeds Success

After twenty years, sustainable agriculture and energy production continue to help a small Italian town prosper.

Sustainable Business: Vital Choice Seafood-From Wild Fisheries to Your Doorstep

Vital Choice provides high quality salmon with fair prices while it supports local fishermen.

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