Danielle Nierenberg
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Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world and innovations in sustainable agriculture.

Young Women Mobilize Local Development Through Sustainable Aquaculture in Rural Malawi

The Kawjo Foundation’s Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture (IAA) project helps young women in Malawai realize their full potential as farmers and producers.

UN Climate Summit Takes Steps to Ensure Food Security for 9 Billion People by 2050

GFAR stakeholders have been at the forefront of actions to raise awareness of the potential of agricultural systems in adapting and mitigating to climate change

The Future of Family Farming Round Up

Commentators have offered great suggestions for legal, policy, economic, educational, and grass roots measures to increase resources available to farmers.

Join the Conversation on ICTs and Family Farming

GFAR pledged to increase joint efforts to boost the contribution of science, technology and innovation to enable family farmers to improve their livelihoods.

Voices of GFAR: Providing Better Extension Services for Family Farmers

A sound agricultural innovation system requires a combination of diverse extension service schemes that mobilize a variety of methods to educate smallholders.

WANTED: Young Entrepreneurs with Sustainable Ideas that Will Change the World

Unilever helps young entrepreneurs bring sustainable and healthful living to people around the world.

These Twenty Young People Are Changing the Food System in Huge Ways

Youth around the world are creating inspiring projects and products that are changing how we grow, prepare, and eat food.

Become a Revolutionary—Grow Your Own Food!

You too can make a difference in our food system: grow your own food!

VIDEO: The Stinkin’ Truth About Garlic

The newest How Does it Grow? episode takes viewers to Christopher Ranch, the largest garlic producer in the U.S., to tell the story of how garlic grows.

Reaching Across Boundaries: Broad-Based Investment Strategies For Improved Land Use

Collaborating to improve landscape management: A new report outlines innovative approaches to financing and investment strategies.

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