Mary Oxendine
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Mary Oxendine is Lumbee and Tuscarora, the granddaughter of rural sharecroppers, and a cultivator of relationships and traditional Indigenous foodways. As a financial activist, she is working to shift power and resources to reduce the wealth gap in the United States. As the former inaugural Durham County Food Security Coordinator, she helped support the growth of a Black, femme-led community-accountable grocer and launched initiatives to develop an incubator farm centering Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). As a Fellow with Potlikker Capital, she works with beginning and established farmers to develop and grow their businesses using environmentally sustainable practices and build intergenerational community health, wealth, and healing, especially in BIPOC communities.

Op-Ed | Feeding the Crisis: Agricultural Subsidies and the Rise of Ultra-Processed Diets

The U.S. government is spending billions of dollars in subsidies to make the unhealthy choice the cheapest choice.

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