Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with Wenonah Hauter, the Founder and Executive Director of Food & Water Watch.
Food Tank (FT): What inspired you to get involved in food and agriculture?
Wenonah Hauter (WH): I grew up on a farm, and good nutrition is the key to health.
FT: What do you see as the biggest opportunity to fix the food system?
WH: Turning the interest in food into political action.
FT: Can you share a story about a food hero that inspired you?
WH: The thousands of GMO activists fighting to label biotech foods.
FT: What drives you every day to fight for the bettering of our food system?
WH: Having a food system that nourishes people, sustains the environment, is fair for workers, and treats animals well is critical for today and generations to come.
FT: What’s the biggest problem within the food system our parents and grandparents didn’t have to deal with?
WH: Biotechnology.
FT: What’s the first, most pressing issue you’d like to see solved within the food system?
WH: Regulate factory farms and label GMO foods.
FT: What is one small change every person can make in their daily lives to make a big difference?
WH: Get politically active.
FT: What’s one issue within the food system you’d like to see completely solved for the next generation?
WH: The merger madness that leaves a handful of corporations in control of food and agriculture.
FT: What agricultural issue would you like for the next president of the United States to immediately address?
WH: Appoint U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission heads that are committed to reinvigorating anti-trust law and breaking up the food, agriculture, and grocery giants.
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