Stanford’s Walter Falcon shows how academic research and policy-relevant work can be quite compatible and result in a transformative policy impact.
“Brewing” Change for Small-Scale Coffee Farmers
Through Project Alianza, Nicagaruan smallholders benefit from higher prices and sustainable management practices.
While Drought Rages On, Californian Farmers are Finding Ways to Conserve Water
The continuing drought in California reflects the need to challenge decades-old practices that sought to maximize short-term use of water for agriculture.
From Seattle to Rome, Food Sovereignty Movement Pushes for Reforms
In Seattle and Rome, the food sovereignty movement pushed for key changes in the global food system.
Food Tank Book of the Week: The No-Nonsense Guide to World Food by Wayne Roberts
The No-Nonsense Guide to World Food places the food sovereignty movement’s localized innovations in context of the history of the global political economy.