Food Tank spoke with George Naylor, a Farmer and a Board Member for the Non-GMO Project, who will be speaking at the Food Tank Summit in Washington, D.C.

George Naylor
1 Articles0 CommentsGeorge Naylor has raised corn and soybeans on his family farm near Churdan, Iowa, since 1976, choosing to never raise GMO crops. He graduated from California's first land grant university, the University of California at Berkeley and has always been involved in various organizations supporting a family farm system of agriculture. He is a member of the boards of the Center for Food Safety and the Non-GMO Project, past president of the National Family Farm Coalition, a former member of the board of the Iowa chapter of the Sierra Club, and is active in Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement. In 1999 he was a lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against Monsanto representing conventional and organic farmers who had never raised GMO’s. He is still opposing the introduction of genetically modified crops, while encouraging farmers and food processors to go non-GMO. Agroecological farming and Food Sovereignty, concepts promoted by the international farmer and peasant movement, La Via Campesina, are two of George’s passions. George, together with his partner, Patti Edwardson, is transitioning 90 acres to organic and planting an organic cider apple orchard as new projects on the Naylor Farm.