For those interested in going into farming, The University of Vermont offers their New Farmer Project website as a “virtual tool shed” to help farmers turn their aspirations into a successful and sustainable reality.
The website streamlines relevant information – from courses, to grant opportunities, to land access data – into one comprehensive and user-friendly site. For example, Betsy Mattox, from Spring Chicken Farm in Topsham, Vermont, gained critical farm management skills by enrolling in the New Farmer Project’s Holistic Management course. The Project also recently launched Virtual Farm Coach, a tool that allows farmers to complete a farm development assessment and establish a action plan with the guidance of a technical assistance team.
Along with their local partners, the New Farmer Project focuses exclusively on Vermont, stating, “There are many resources available to farmers in Vermont, but finding the right information at the right time can be a challenge for new farmers.”
By providing information in an accessible way, the New Farmer Project is helping young farmers in Vermont get the resources they need.