The Five Borough Farm is an interdisciplinary project of New York’s Design Trust for Public Space In the Five Borough Farm’s promotional video Ben Flanner of the Brooklyn Grange explains one of the most creative solutions in urban agriculture is “taking advantage of stalled construction sites and temporary spaces”.
The project relies on experts in sustainable design, public health, food policy, graphic design and photography to research urban agriculture in the city, develop strategies for stakeholders, and encourage support from policy makers. Their publication, Five Borough Farm establishes an innovative framework of urban agricultural metrics which enable farmers to measure their work and impact.
Phase II of the project, launched in 2012 with New York City’s Department of Parks and Recreation, focuses on building the “capacity, capital and political will” necessary for the expansion and success of urban agriculture.
Columbia University’s Urban Design Lab reports that in addition to providing fresh food, urban farming has the potential to reduce the city’s waste, address environmental issues such as the overflow of city waterways, and increase awareness about environmental stewardship.