The Real Food Media Contest is seeking captivating short films about food, farming, and sustainability. The Real Food Media Project is a new initiative that is spreading the story of food through creative media and collaborating with with partners, including Food Tank, to grow the sustainable food and farming movement across the planet.
The Real Food Media Contest is open to everyone—farmers, community members, nonprofit organizations, students, and teachers—who wants to share their powerful story through film. Last year’s finalists submitted videos on beekeeping, migrant workers, berry pickers, and youth in agriculture. This year, the project is calling on even more organizations to partner with filmmakers and tell their story. The Real Food Media Project is providing support to any contestants that would like help identifying production companies or film students to aid in the filming and editing.
The contest closes January 5, 2015. Prizes include a US$5,000 first prize, and winning films will be debuted at the Food and Farm Film Fest in San Francisco, CA.
Tell your story: read the guidelines and register today!