Denise Young sat down recently with a group of key actors from CGIAR Centers to find out what happened when funding slowed down in the 1980s.
Denise Young
1 Articles0 CommentsDenise Young is the head of communications at the International Council for Science ( in Paris, a non governmental organization dedicated to international cooperation in the advancement of science. She is editor in chief of Road To Paris,, an independent blog dedicated to covering the nexus of science, policy and economics on the way to a final climate deal in Paris at the end of 2015. Previously she was a public relations consultant specialized in agricultural research for development. She was a correspondent for the international news agency Reuters for a decade, with assignments in London, Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong, China, Japan and Washington DC. She started her career with Agence France-Presse in Hong Kong. Her Twitter handle is @ylld and @road2paris for the Road to Paris