Sonal Choudhary
6 Articles0 Comments

Sonal Choudhary is a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist working for Sodexo. She has her Masters in Public Health from Benedictine University.

What’s Sweeter Than a Sweet Potato?

Grown in New Zealand, kumara offers a sweet way to fill upon on vitamins and fiber.

Local Food, Local Places Initiative Aids Rural Communities

USDA’s Local Food, Local Places initiative will help improve rural community’s economy, food system and built environment through donations.

Smallholders’ Access to Markets for Certified Sustainable Products-Interview with David Cuming

Food Tank interviews David Cuming,of SAMCERT on his views of the success and struggles of the certification project, coffee and cocoa growers, and ‘cupping’.

Food Hero: Robert Egger-Founder and President of L.A. Kitchen

“In the fight against hunger, we need less Sara Lee and more cerebellum,” said Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and L.A. Kitchen.

Sustainable Business: Vital Choice Seafood-From Wild Fisheries to Your Doorstep

Vital Choice provides high quality salmon with fair prices while it supports local fishermen.

How Melbourne is Becoming a Sustainable, Thriving Food City

Melbourne, Australia is recognizing the impact food has on the health and well-being of its community and is committed to promoting a healthy food system.

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