Nourishing People and Planet: How Healthy, Sustainable Diets Can Save the World
Our global food system is both a cause and a cure for multiple crises the world is facing around climate, health, and loss of biodiversity. One-tenth of the global population experienced hunger in 2020, and diet-related chronic diseases account for one in five deaths. Right now, no country is on course to meet the UN 2025 global nutrition targets, and global food systems contribute one-third of total human-caused GHG emissions. If we continue to ignore these challenges in the food systems, the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal to limit future warming will be out of reach. Food Tank’s Danielle Nierenberg will moderate a conversation on way to capitalize on consumer demand, business innovation, and ESG-focused investment collectively to change both production and consumption practices that increase access to affordable, sustainable, and nourishing food. Panelists will review how global leaders are accelerating these necessary changes.