FarmHer is a project started by Marji Guyler-Analiz that documents through photography the important role that women play in the agricultural system.
Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United: Supporting Restaurant Workers
Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United is a non-profit organization that works to raise restaurant industry standards.
The Edible Schoolyard Project Integrates an Ecoliterate Curriculum
The Edible Schoolyard Project infuses school curriculum with outdoor garden experiences and academic classes in the kitchen, providing an edible education.
Bread for the World: A Voice Fighting to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty
Bread for the World is a Christian organization that urges United States policy makers and decision makers to end world hunger.
Partners In Health: Redefining the Possibilities of Health Care
Partners In Health advocates for human rights and provides health care treatment to poor populations throughout the world.
Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Program Lanuches New Microsite
The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security program started by The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research launched a new microsite.
One World Everybody Eats: Pay-What-You-Can Community Cafes
One World Everybody Eats supports cafes that use a pay-what-you-can model to make nutritrious food accessible.