The Hatching Hope Initiative is a new collaboration between Heifer International and Cargill. Food Tank spoke with the CEO of Heifer International to find out how convincing more women to raise chickens will sustainably reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million people by 2030.
Fighting Hunger Through Aquaponics
INMED Partnerships for Children has adopted an innovative and sustainable food production technique known as aquaponics, combining aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (soilless crop production).
How Africa Can Use Its Traditional Knowledge
Indigenous knowledge expert Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu’s TEDGlobal talk explores traditional African knowledge and practices used by modern farmers, with exceptional results.
Year-End Gift to Organic Advocates: Study Shows Organic Foods Provide Health Benefits
The European Parliament’s Independent Research Service released an encouraging report about the health benefits of eating organically.