30 donne, provenienti da tutto il mondo, stanno tracciando la strada per un futuro migliore ed ecologicamente sostenibile per l’alimentazione
23 app per cellulari che stanno cambiando l’alimentazione
Food Tank presenta le 23 applicazioni, scaricabili su smartphone, che stanno cambiando il futuro dell’alimentazione
Women Farmers are Guardians of Crop Diversity in the Andes
Women farmers in the Andes play an important role in preserving crop diversity.
Does Eating Organic Really Make a Difference?
What happens when a family switches from a conventional diet to an all-organic diet? Swedish researchers offer some answers.
“Top Small Town” Invests in Local Food
Small town business leaders team up to fill gaps in local food financing.
Book of the Week: Seed Libraries and Other Means of Keeping Seeds in the Hands of the People
Learn about seed libraries and start your own with Cindy Conner’s new book “Seed Libraries and Other Means of Keeping Seeds in the Hands of People.”
New Report Calls for Stronger Public Sector Support for Agricultural Research
AGree released a new report calling for smarter public sector investment in agricultural research.
Uninvited Guests: Nanotechnology in USDA Certified Organics
The USDA and NOP have released a memorandum on the use of nanotechnology in the production and handling of organic products.
Biting the Hands Who Feed Us: Farmworker Abuse in the U.S.
Data from the U.S. Department of Labor provides insight on the mistreatment of farmworkers.
Hudson Valley Harvest: Transparency is Key to Scaling Local Food
Hudson Valley Harvest shows that local food can be scaled up and scaled out.
10 Projects Transforming Charlotte, North Carolina’s Food System
Here are 10 urban agriculture projects changing Charlotte’s landscape and food system.
Two Young Farmers Owe Their Love of Farming to Their Father
One Acre Fund’s trainings and flexible loan repayment schedule have allowed Tanzanian farmer, Sadick, and his sons to make a better living on their farm.
Local Governments Move Local Foods
Local leaders in North Carolina “mainstream” food and farm business development.
No, It Does Not Take All Kinds of Farming to Feed the World
Some say it takes all kinds. Not Florence Reed, who argues that we can feed the world without big agriculture and GMOs.
Agroecology Can Help Fix Our Broken Food System. Here’s How.
The various incarnations of the sustainable food movement need a science with which to approach a system as complex as food and farming.
True Cost Accounting: Deflation Dragging Down Global Food Prices
Deflation is dragging down global food prices, which may be worse than it sounds.
Transforming Food Systems with Agroecology
Agroecology course at UCSC uses immersive interactive learning to examine the history and prospects of the movement.
What is Your Seed Story?
SeedBroadcast takes an original and creative approach to saving seeds and their stories.
How Kenneth Lander and THRIVE Farmers Are Revolutionizing the Coffee Supply Chain
THRIVE Farmers International co-founder Kenneth Lander briefs Food Tank on his organization’s revolutionary changes to the coffee marketplace.