Op-Ed | A Missing Investment Strategy: Climate Resilience Hides in Local Food Markets

Territorial markets lie at the center of resilient food systems.

Battle for Biodiversity: AfCFTA’s Intellectual Property Protocol Unveiled

The specific objectives will aim to promote coherent intellectual property rights policy and a harmonized system of intellectual property protection in Africa. But some civil society groups worry about the implications for smallholder farmers.

Building Power in Food Systems through Social Cohesion: ‘You Have to Mobilize Together’

Million Belay believes in a model for food systems that is grounded in communities, promoting a goal of food sovereignty

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Thursday, Dec. 7

Policymakers, scientists, advocates, farmers, and youth from around the world are already putting food systems front-and-center at the UN Climate Change Conference.

African Community Leaders Tell Congress: Stop Funding African Green Revolution

Research into AGRA shows that the billion-dollar effort to double yields and incomes by 2020 for 30 million small-scale farming households has failed.

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