The National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) conducts the National Young Farmer Survey to drive policy change and inspire new programs to help young farmers across the nation. Created in partnership with George Washington University and former US Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Dr. Kathleen Merrigan, who advises on survey design and analysis, the organization is conducting the survey again to let Congress know that #FarmersCount.
The survey is conducted every five years to understand and elevate the issues that matter most to help break down the barriers facing young farmers and ranchers. NYFC will also use the information to craft their next policy platform and inform work on the 2018 Farm Bill.
You can find the survey here.
Esta encuesta está disponible en español.
The survey should take 5 to 20 minutes, and its results are completely confidential. No personal information will be shared or reported. If you would like to know the results of the survey, you may provide your email address. NYFC expects the survey results to represent all young farmers and ranchers, no matter where they live or what they grow. Survey takers who provide their mailing address can opt to receive a bundle of coupons from NYFC’s partners, including Harney & Sons, Chobani, and Kashi, while supplies last.
If you have any questions or need help with the survey, contact Hanna Seltz at or (518) 643-3564 x216.