Sonia Farqui’s new book takes a deeper look into animal agriculture and what it means for people and the planet.
Projects Emphasize Open-Source Technology and Data for Agriculture
Open Ag Toolkit and FarmBot are democratizing small-scale solutions for farm management through open-source models.
Plant Breeding for Farmers, by Farmers
Learn how Organic Seed Alliance’s innovative Participatory Plant Breeding programs contribute to diversity conservation and agricultural innovation.
Stronger Together: How Community Farm Alliance Supports Kentucky’s Farming Community
Community Farm Alliance uses community organizing and a public voice to support Kentucky farmers.
Global Experts to Meet in Brussels to Discuss Economic Costs of Food System
Upcoming September 2015 workshop will bring together leaders to help determine economic value of food system.
Occupy the Farm: Documentary Explores Activism in Urban Farming
Occupy the Farm tells the story of 200 urban farmers in California who took action to save a publicly-owned research farm.
250 Must-Follow Twitter Feeds For Every Food Activist
Here are 250 Twitter accounts for every food activist to follow.
Growing Detroit, One Tree at a Time
The Greening of Detroit provides individuals with the skills to grow their own food.
Restaurants Taking Charge and Making Change
Restaurants have an important role to play in building food access, food skills, and education and engagement through food.
Harvesting the Research: Ecological Intensification Can Feed The World
Dr. Brian Petersen discusses the necessity for an agricultural paradigm shift toward truly sustainable practices.
To Attract Young Farmers, Offer Financial Support
A new House Bill proposes to forgive student loans of those pursuing a career in farming.
The Hunt for Alphabet Veggies Brings Kids Closer to Produce
Have you ever seen an alphabet made out of fruits and vegetables? Me neither. With your help, that’s about to change.
The Land Battle: 15 Organizations Defending Land Rights
Here are 15 organizations protecting farmers and their communities against land grabs.
Food Security After Ebola
In the wake of the Ebola outbreak, West African countries turn to face their next challenge: food security.
16 progetti che mettono in risalto l’uso della permacultura
Food Tank presenta le 16 organizzazioni che stanno cercando di incoraggiare uno stile di vita più sostenibile attraverso l’introduzione della permacultura
Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope in Southwest Florida
The Harry Chapin Food Bank of SWFL is provides rescued food and services to the community through its many programs and partnerships.
20 organizzazioni che si battono per un uso più responsabile degli antibiotici in agricoltura
L’uso di antibiotici per l’allevamento e l’agricoltura può essere più dannoso di quanto si pensi: ecco 20 organizzazioni che si stanno impegnando contro di esso