The Business of Food panel brought together perspectives from producers, manufacturers, buyers, and advocates of food.
Crops and Commodities
Sweet Sugar Snaps or Sour Pancakes? The Cultivation of Legumes in Ethiopia for Export
With its high altitude, stable climate and rich agricultural traditions, Ethiopia is a good place for growing delicate crops.
Apples: You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea
Nothing drives home the realization that we’re disconnected from our food like a shiny red apple. Watch the latest episode of How Does it Grow?
50 Ways To Eat Millet
Millet is rich in protein, vitamin B, iron and calcium, yet free from glutens, so why would you only let birds eat it?
10 Ways You Can Fight for Fair Labor Practices in America’s Fields
Food Chains director Sanjay Rawal and producer Smriti Keshari on worker-driven movements, how consumers contribute, and film as a tool for change.
10 Amazing Food Co-ops Across America
Many co-ops have been around since the 1970s, but some have opened recently to serve communities with unusual needs or to eliminate food deserts.
International Partnership Creating Biodiversity Database
Genetic information from global gene banks will finally be made public and searchable thanks to new international initiative.
11 Apps for Your Next Trip to the Farmers Market
Find local farmer’ markets that support in-season organic food and make the best market shopping choices using your smartphone.
15 Seed Saving Initiatives Protecting Biodiversity for Future Generations
Food Tank and SEHN are highlighting 15 important seed-saving projects across the globe that are helping preserve global agricultural biodiversity.
Five Ways Cell Phones are Changing Agriculture in Africa
Africa innovatively harnesses the power of mobile technology to improve agricultural practices.
23 Mobile Apps Changing the Food System
These 23 mobile apps are helping eaters, gardeners, and food enthusiasts live more environmentally sustainable, less wasteful, healthy, and delicious lives.
25 Indigenous Fruits and Vegetables Promoting Health All Over the World
Many indigenous fruits and vegetables are in danger of abandonment and extinction. People are trying to catalogue as many traditional varieties as possible.
Land Grabs, Food Security and Global Justice: An Interview with the Oakland Institute
An interview with Anuradha Mittal, founder and director of progressive think tank, the Oakland Institute.
Promoting Crop Diversity and Protecting Indigenous Farmers’ Rights
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) supports the implementation of farmers’ rights at local and national levels.
How to Grow the Grains that Feed the World
In a FAO meeting crop production specialists agreed that agriculture can no longer rely on input-intensive agriculture to increase crop production.
The Little Seed That Could: Red Fife Berry
Chef Alexandra Borgia provides a recipe for a nut salad using the berry of the heritage wheat, Red Fife.
What Happened to the Biggest Land Grab in Africa? Searching for ProSavana in Mozambique
Timothy A. Wise writes about his trip to Mozambique and the failures of the ProSavana project in the Nacala Corridor of Mozambique.
Rice Varieties Critical to Culture and Biodiversity at Risk of Extinction
Culturally significant heirloom rice varieties in the Philippines are at risk of extinction.
The Future of Rice in Japan
Japan’s agricultural future stands in the balance of many interests.
Are Cocoa Companies Offering a Trick or a Treat?
A new report from Oxfam America evaluates cocoa companies’ commitment gender equality.