Colorado Water Plan Boosted with Prop JJ Funding

Additional funds support conservation efforts to protect agriculture, rivers, and communities.

Irrigating Crops with Wastewater May be the Future of Farming

By using recycled wastewater as irrigation in agriculture, some farmers are hoping to mitigate the pressures of worsening droughts.

Mali Makes the Case for Sustainable Agriculture with SRI

An article about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Mali describes how this methodology helps farmers deal with climate change.

Action-Oriented Research for Jamaican Farmers: Interview with the Winners of the BCFN YES Competition

Shaneica Lester and Anne-Teresa Birthwright have won the BCFN YES Competition with a proposal for action-oriented research on irrigation strategies for Jamaican farmers. Here’s how the became interested in the work and where they’re going next.

Jamaican Researchers Win YES Competition, Proposing an Action-Oriented Irrigation Study for Small Farmers

YES Competition winners Anne-Teresa Birthwright and Shaneica Lester are going to study climate-adaptive irrigation strategies for small farmers. The Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition has just concluded their YES (Young Earth Solutions) Competition, an annual opportunity for young researchers…

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