21 Chefs Bringing Foraged Ingredients to the Table

Chefs across the globe are turning to an ancient practice for many of their ingredients: foraging the landscapes around them. By searching for herbs, fruits, roots, petals, and more from the wild, these chefs not only create fresh, flavorful dishes, but can also champion sustainable practices, indigenous produce, and a sense of adventure.

Cultivating Resilience to Climate Change

Crop Trust’s Crop Wild Relatives program is bringing together top research institutions, farmers, and eaters to find the best way to boost crop resilience: the genetic material of their ancient relatives.

Inside the Global Ten-Year Effort to Save Wild Relatives of Major Crops

The Crop Trust is scaling up a ten-year effort to catalog, conserve, and prepare the genetics of wild relatives of major food crops, called crop wild relatives (CWRs), in light of increasing stresses to agricultural systems including climate change and population growth.

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