SEED: The Untold Story, a feature-length documentary film, tells the harrowing and heartening story of humans’ 12,000-year relationship with seeds.
Food Tank Book of the Week: The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan
The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan explains how plants have appealed to human desires but are losing their diversity as human control takes over.
Innovation for Sustainability: Driptech Offers Innovative Irrigation Technology for the 21st Century
Driptech is an inexpensive and user-friendly drip irrigation technology which allows farmers in the developing world to save water in these water-scarce times.
How Does It Grow: Video Teaches Eaters Where Their Food Comes From
How Does it Grow? is a first-of-its-kind series that traces our food from the field to our fork.
International Year of Family Farming: Enset as Women’s Business
Enset is a drought-resistant crop that requires few inputs, growing it can be an easy way for female farmers to find financial independence.
In a World Full of Holiday Excess, Let’s Stand Up and Combat Food Waste
During the holidays, resolve to make waste in the food system part of our past, not our future.
Will the Farmers meet the Hoteliers?
We all know the term farm to table, but have you considered farm to hotel? It’s something hoteliers around the world should consider.
Niman is a Pig’s Best Friend
Niman offers the convenience of ordering from a larger brand with the conscience of knowing the animals lived better lives.
Farm to School: Putting Some Crunch in Your Lunch
A simple idea that has a big impact, farm to school brings local produce into school lunch programs and gives children an extra crunch in their lunch.
This land is our land: The struggle for land rights in Papua New Guinea
Oakland Institute’s report, On Our Land: Modern Land Grabs Reversing Independence in Papua New Guinea, documents one of the largest land grabs in recent history
Get Rid of the ‘Food Desert’ Label
The movement to eradicate food deserts would benefit from, of all things, banishment of the term food desert.
Papaya for Haiya: Philippine Farmers Post-Taiphoon
Local family farm set up a pickling day- Operation: Papaya for Haiyan- to produce jars of pickled papaya to be sold with proceeds to benefit victims of Haiyan!
Seeds Define the South’s Legacy
For the Southern Seed Legacy, seeds are the key to the region’s heritage.
Veteran-Veterinarian Combines Skills as Food Safety Consultant for Farmer Veteran Coalition
Michele Pfannenstiel uses her unique background in the army and veterinary medicine to fill a niche as food safety consultant for Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC)
Agriculture, Like the Rest of Society, Needs Gender Equity
Research of the Women, Food and Agriculture Network has found that women must overcome gender barriers when engaging in decision-making about their land.
Enset Leads to Better Physical and Financial Health For Women
Enset is a staple crop common to Southern Ethiopia traditionally harvested by women and may be an integral part of a solution to food security.
Harvesting Nutrition Contest—Apply Now!
The Harvesting Nutrition Contest calls on applicants with projects that bridge the gaps between agriculture, food security, and nutrition.
TED’s 2014 Fellows are Cultivating a Better Food System
TED’s class of 2014 Fellows will focus on “ideas worth spreading;” among them are three fellows cultivating a better food system.
Reading, Writing, and Harvesting: Garden School Foundation
The nonprofit Garden School Foundation helps schools incorporate interdisciplinary lessons that take advantage of onsite gardens.
Soroptimist International Takes On African Women’s Vulnerability to Climate Change
Soroptimist International, the world’s largest women’s volunteer organization, targets issues of climate change-related gender disparity in Sub-Saharan Africa.