
Unleashing Your Social Media Powers for Agriculture!

Have you considered the power of social media in contributing to agricultural development? Here are some online social media teams you might want to join.

Poverty Action Lab Bridges the Gap Between Research and Action in Agricultural Development

MIT’s Poverty Action Lab uses rigorous evaluations to test the efficacy of agricultural policies and programs around the world.

14 Food Resolutions to Bring in The New Year

Together we can be that generation and find solutions to nourish both people and the planet! Here are 14 food resolutions for 2014.

Farming in the Bay: 10 Urban Agriculture Projects in San Francisco

Food Tank Highlights 10 Urban Agriculture projects in San Francisco including; Slide Ranch, Little City Gardens, and more.

Experts argue Land Rights for Women is Key to Curbing Global Hunger

Stronger land rights for women may help advance the progress toward global food security by increasing the autonomy they have over the management of resources.

Trestle Group Foundation, Connecting Women Entrepreneurs in Developing Economies

Trestle Group Foundation is paving the way for growth, job creation, and innovation for women entrepreneurs in developing economies.

Innovation for Sustainability: Sahara Forest Project Uses Sand, Sunlight to Produce Food and Water

The Sahara Forest Project is using abundant desert resources to create sustainable food production systems.

The Paiute Tribe’s Food System Project restores control of food system

The Owen Valley’s Paiute tribe aims to regain control of its food system through its Sustainable Food System Development Project.

International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Urbanizing Society 2014

The next International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Urbanizing Society will take place in Amsterdam in May 2014.

World’s poorest need land rights to cope with climate change

Families and communities most impacted by climate change –and by our responses to it– do not have secure land rights and therefore face added vulnerabilities.

Report Finds Credit Access Limited for Farmers in Nigeria

Nigerian farmers lack access to credit, despite problems, reforms are in place to help strengthen the agriculture sector in Nigeria.

In the Nation’s Capital, Sharing the Wealth of Abundance

Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture tackles the D.C. food system, holistically.

An Interview with Tina Koral, founder of the Illinois-based GardenWorks Project

Tina Koral talks about her work with the GardenWorks Project, a non-profit in Illinois, that provides garden access and education to local residents in need.

PASA’s 23rd Annual Farming for the Future Conference is Going Back to Nature

“Letting Nature Lead,” the theme of this year’s PASA Farming for the Future Conference, focuses on turning back to the Earth to determine farming strategies.

IYFF: The Last Push for 100 Gardens in 100 Days in Africa

In September, Slow Food International announced a new project, 100 Days for 100 Gardens, aiming to create 100 new food gardens in Africa by the end of the year.

The University of Vermont Food Systems Summit: What’s on Your Plate?

The University of Vermont Food Systems Summit is a yearly discussion of food systems issues by food systems experts.

Changing Lives – Urban Farmers of Nairobi

The Mazingira Institute creates “the opportunity to see tomorrow” through transforming urban farming attitudes and access in Nairobi.

Nine ways technology is Changing Hunger and Obesity

A round-up of nine ways technology is helping to fight the dual food issues of hunger and obesity.

15 Books For Future Foodies

15 books that will make great gifts for your child, niece, nephew, or grandchild this holiday!

Host a Viewing Party for TEDxManhattan’s 4th Annual “Changing the Way We Eat”

TEDxManhattan’s “Changing the Way We Eat” is a full-day event featuring a dynamic and diverse group of speakers addressing issues with food movement.

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