Crops and Commodities

Funding Needed for Scholarships to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss

The World Preservation Education Foundation is seeking funding to support students and scientists interested in reducing post-harvest losses.

Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2016

The theme for International Day of the World\’92s Indigenous Peoples promotes maintaining indigenous knowledge around the world.

Ten Questions with Michael Dimock, President of Roots of Change

Food Tank spoke with Michael Dimock, President of Roots of Change, who will be speaking at the Farm Tank Summit in Sacramento.

Students Develop Innovative Solution to Reduce Food Insecurity in Nunavut

Students developed an initiative to reduce food insecurity in Iqaluit, Nunavut.

United Nations Finds That Greenhouse Gases Are Increasing from Agriculture

A report by the FAO, University of Minnesota, and CGIAR suggests that sustainable intensification is not enough to lower agricultural emissions to safe levels.

Bee Highway Aims to Protect Pollinators

The \’93bee highway\’94 in Oslo was built in 2015 to support bees living in the city.

20 Native North American Foods with Stories to Tell

Twenty indigenous North American crops important to the histories and cultures of Native Americans and early settlers.

International Project Sheds Light on Voluntary Sustainability Standards

The State of Sustainability Initiatives aims to shed light on voluntary sustainability standards operating in the agricultural and fisheries sectors.

Record-Breaking Growth of Organic Industry

The increase in consumer demand for organic products is growing faster than the supply chain can manage.

New Report Reveals Influence of Pesticide Lobby on Bee Protections

Friends of the Earth released a report revealing the role of the pesticide industry in weakening pollinator protection policies.

U.S. to Send Peanuts to Haiti Despite Controversy From Aid Groups

The USDA\’92s decision to send surplus peanuts to Haiti is facing pushback from aid groups and farmers.

New Developments in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI): An Interview with Norman Uphoff

Food Tank interviewed Norman Uphoff to learn about recent updates with his work.

World Environment Day Calls for Conscious Consumption #WED2016

World Environment Day 2016 brings attention to unprecedented levels of illegal wildlife trade. Learn how our food choices are affecting the wildlife industry.

Controversial GMO Study Finds No Adverse Effects on Human Health

A comprehensive analysis of more than 900 publications provides a fresh perspective on the applications of genetic engineering in agriculture.

Plate of the Union Wants YOU to Take Action

American voters can take action and encourage the next President to fix the broken food system.

17 Farmer Heroes for Sustainability, Equality, and Defense of Traditions

Check out these seventeen farmer heroes who, from poetry to advocacy, are doing more than putting food on our plates.

World Fair Trade Day: Fairtrade America Takes Us Inside The World’s Biggest Coffee Break

Mary Linnell-Simmons reflects on the execution of and fulfillment from serving coffee to some of the 30,000 Passport DC visitors.

Knowledge Exchange Program Addresses Threats to Agricultural Biodiversity

A recent knowledge exchange program addressed the need for alternative responses to agricultural biodiversity loss.

The International Year of Pulses and Tropical Agriculture

Food Tank spoke with Manuele Tam\uc0\u242 , the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture’s Insect Ecologist, about the International Year of Pulses.

Ten Questions with Dr. Silvia Abel-Caines, Staff Ruminant Nutritionist for Organic Valley

Food Tank spoke with Dr. Silvia Abel-Caines, Staff Ruminant Nutritionist for Organic Valley, who will be speaking at the Food Tank Summit in Washington, D.C.

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