
Protecting Vulnerable Workers: Why H-2A Visa Protections Fall Short

H-2A workers play a vital role in U.S agriculture but remain uniquely vulnerable to workplace abuses.

As Food Workers Face Extreme Heat, Policymakers’ Commitments Must Be More Than Just Hot Air

US Department of Labor proposes new rule that will increase greater protection for farmworkers against increasingly severe hot temperatures, but it has yet to be adopted or enacted on a national level.

Grow Well: Vertical Harvest’s Inclusive Employment Model Empowers Individuals Experiencing Disabilities in Urban Farming

Vertical Harvest, an urban hydroponic farm, is working to bridge the gap in employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Coalition Formed to Address Injustice and Exploitation for Agri-food Workers

The Decent Work for Equitable Food Systems Coalition is calling for decent work across food systems.

Collective Action for Brazil’s Food Delivery Worker Rights

Without adequate protections, the health and wellbeing of food delivery workers in Brazil are at stake.

Coffee Shop Workers in Maine Form a Union, Reflecting Nationwide Movement

A coffee shop in Brunswick is one of the latest foodservice establishments to form a union in Maine.

GrowCity Gets Youth Work Ready with Urban Gardening

Youth from low-income families face significant barriers to career development but soft skill training in the garden can help.

Chipotle United Fights for Restaurant Workers’ Rights

In Augusta, Maine, fast-food restaurant employees are unionizing for better pay, adequate training, and sanitary work conditions for their crew and community.

Starbucks employees forming a union: Working conditions are “putting all of us in danger”

Some of the Memphis 7 members’ grandparents marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., during the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike. “Now, it’s picking up where they left off.”

Tapping Into a Safer Beer Industry

The Brave Noise collaboration launched in 2021 when its co-founder, Brienne Allan posed a question to her Instagram followers: “Have you ever experienced sexism in the beer industry?”

Starbucks Employees Want Their Actual—Not Metaphorical—Seat at the Table

Starbucks workers in Buffalo, NY are fighting to unionize.

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