18 Organizations to Support During National Farmworker Awareness Week

Honor farmworkers during National Farmworker Awareness Week by learning about the work of these 18 organizations supporting farmworkers’ rights and wellbeing.

Food Workers Are On The Front Line In The Fight Against COVID-19, Says Patel

Dani Nierenberg talks with Raj Patel, Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, about the impact of COVID-19 on food and farm workers.

Opinion | The Wrong Conversation about Trump’s Tariffs

Rather than focusing on how large corporate entities attempt to minimize tariff costs, our attention must be on how we restore democratic accountability to economic policymaking, especially when it concerns the social and ecological sustainability of food systems.

2018 San Diego Food Tank Summit: Farming for A Better Food System Panel

Farmers talk labor, climate, change, and new agricultural ideas from young people in the 2018 San Diego Food Tank Summit “Farming for a Better Food System” panel.

Fighting for Farm Workers’ Rights, “Boycotts Always Work”

On Food Talk, FLOC founder and President Baldemar Velasquez tells how migrant farm workers surmount harsh conditions as a union of families.

Monsanto Faces Labor Law Violations Class Action Suit

Seed-corn workers brought a first of its kind class action suit against seed giant Monsanto for violations to two federal labor laws the day after the release of a two-year investigation into labor violations in the seed-corn industry.

Kaitlin Y. Cordes: Investing in Agriculture for a More Sustainable World

Interview with Kaitlin Cordes, head of Investments in Land and Agriculture at Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI). On the SDGs and achieving secure tenure rights to land.

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