Mexico Is Right to Reject GMO Tortillas

High levels of genetically engineered toxins and glyphosate in GM corn pose serious health risks in Mexico.

The United States Must Respect Indigenous Rights in Mexico GM Corn Case

Corn holds tremendous cultural, symbolic, and spiritual value for Mexico’s Indigenous peoples.

Mexico’s Precaution on GM Corn Safety Is Justified

The government of the U.S. and Canadian are using the USMCA to challenge Mexico’s efforts to ban the use of genetically modified corn.

Hardline U.S. Stance Ignores Non-GM Corn Opportunity for U.S. Farmers

U.S. farmers could be better served if leaders supported a smooth transition for those affected by Mexico’s corn policies.

Genetically Modified Corn Tribunal Raises Concerns with First Decisions

Experts worry what early decisions on GM corn mean for the health, environmental, and cultural integrity of Mexico’s corn culture and diet.

Mexico’s Proposed GM Corn Ban Sparks North American Trade Turmoil

From shaking up the American corn lobby to protecting traditional crops in Mexico, see how a ban on genetically modified corn could transform agriculture.

Mexico Calls U.S. Bluff on Science of GMO Corn Restrictions

With documented health risks tied to the exposure to glyphosate, the Mexican government is continuing to approach conversations around genetically modified corn with caution.

Science, Precaution, and Mexico’s GMO Corn Restrictions

A new decree states that any ban on GM feed corn, which is the overwhelming majority of U.S. exports, would only be implemented gradually, pending a full review of the science and the availability of adequate supplies of non-GM corn.

No Reason for Alarm over Mexico’s GM-Corn Ban

U.S. farmers already grow non-GM corn and according to reports, many can and would produce it for Mexico if given time to prepare.

“More Data, Better Transparency Means Less Waste,” Vishaal Bhuyan Says

At the Future of Food @ SXSW Vishaal Bhuyan explains how Aanika Biosciences is working to use microbial tags to improve traceability and transparency in the food system.

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