How Film Is Changing the Narrative on Farming and Food Justice

From “Farming While Black” to “The Envoy Show,” documentary films and series are highlighting a brighter future for food and agriculture systems.

15 Inspiring Quotes and Questions to Guide the Food System Forward 

What does the future of the food system look like? How do we get there? These questions and quotes from food system leaders help shine a light on the road ahead for farmers, advocates, journalists, chefs, agricultural workers, business owners, grocery store employees, scientists, entrepreneurs, and eaters.

Watch: A Growing Culture’s Daylong Broadcast Celebrating Black Voices on Juneteenth

All the conversations are available to stream online. Presenters included Queen Quet of the Gullah/Geechee Nation, farmers Leah Penniman and Karen Washington, and more.

This Essay Collection is a Roadmap Toward A Healthier Post-COVID Food System

The essay collection in the journal Agriculture and Human Values, which Food Tank was honored to help organize along with many other brilliant food system experts, is available for everyone to read for free.

19 Organizations and Initiatives Winning in the Food Movement

Food Tank is highlighting 19 organizations that are strengthening the growing food movement by engaging their communities, sharing knowledge and nutritious food, and achieving lasting victories in our efforts to build a more equitable food system.

If Farmers of Color Don’t Own Land, “We Don’t Have a Voice in the Food System”

On Food Talk, Leah Penniman, co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, talks about what justice should look like for farmers and people of color, whose ancestors faced massive injustices in the past.

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