Emily Payne


122 Articles0 Comments

Emily is Food Tank's Editor. She writes about the intersection of food, agriculture, health, and climate. Based in Denver, Colorado.

Agroecology Boosts Employment, Rural Economies, and Gender Relations in Africa

Interdisciplinary collaboration can help to expand agroecology, which has the potential to feed the growing population and sustainably nourish future generations.

Sustainable Hog Farming to Keep the Next Generation On the Land

On Alderland Farm in Iowa, this family of hog farmers is working to raise their livestock sustainably.

Systemic Problems Require Systemic Solutions

Agroecology has the potential to provide the transformational change needed to solve the interconnected, global crises the world faces today.

Scaling Agroecology: “Why Is Something So Compelling Also So Contentious?”

A new compendium and corresponding regional dialogue series explore the potential of agroecology and the factors undermining its success.

Farming Must Be Economically Sustainable

For Mindy and Drew Duff, sustainability also means being able to keep farming in the family.

Stepping Up to the Plate: The Private Sector’s Role in Fighting Food Waste

Organizations must consider actionable, easy to use solutions that they can introduce in their own kitchens to reduce food waste.

For a Hog Farmer in Iowa, Staying Small Isn’t Easy

The Kenyons knew they needed to find a stable market that would allow them to raise their hogs humanely and sustainably.

Transformative change cannot be done alone, says filmmaker Raj Patel

“Collectively, we have to get with the idea that we’re living on the same planet as everybody else, and we can’t go around trashing it,” says Patel.

“Agriculture is where nature and culture meet,” says pioneering artist and chef Jim Denevan

Denevan’s creations are a practice in the ever-changing, temporal nature of life, as well as the interconnection of all eaters. Both his art and dinners emphasize​​ the need for collaboration between eaters and the environment.

A-dae Romero-Briones: “We have to recognize that we are all living, breathing stories”

Filmmakers need to have experience in philanthropy and an established network to tell these types of stories, says Director Sanjay Rawal, and this means that “the right people to tell the stories usually aren’t the ones telling the stories.”

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