Dr. Amy Allen-Chabot talks to Food Tank about the important role education plays in creating a sustainable food system.
Dr. Vandana Shiva Forms Coalition in Opposition to ‘Allow Golden Rice’ Campaign
In the midst of a pro-GMO campaign tour of Southeast Asia, Dr. Vandana Shiva has formed a coalition of advocates for biodiversity to reject Golden Rice.
Soil Building in India’s ‘Suicide Belt’
The Living Soils Save Lives program is helping Indian farmers become more sustainable and resilient by cultivating living soil.
How Rice Farmers in Africa Can Point Us Out of California’s Water Crisis
California’s drought is one of the worst in history; however, smallholders in Africa and Asia may provide some solutions.
Slow Food DC Snail of Approval Award Winners Announced
Slow Food DC has announced the 2015 winners of the Snail of Approval Award and will host a party in their honor on April 18.
Investigating Cheap Food
Imaginez si le prix payé pour un hamburger comprenait le coût des facteurs tels que ceux des maladies cardiaques, la principale cause de décès dans le monde; ou ceux de ruissellement de fumier sur les champs d’alimentation animale concentrés; ou ceux des blessures des travailleurs dans les abattoirs et les usines;…
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Recipe for Disaster?
The Obama administration’s negotiations with multinational corporations could lead to a bad deal for local food systems.
GMOs Will Not Feed the World
Growing genetically engineered crops to feed the world has turned into an empty promise according to recent evidence.
Cultivating the Next Generation of Food System Leaders
Food Tank and IFAD are excited to announce a new collaboration using communications to help cultivate the next generation of agricultural leaders.
There is No Such Thing as Cheap Food
Food Tank highlights organizations recognizing the real cost of cheap food.
Seven Questions with Jim Kane of Culture Xplorers
Jim Kane of Culture Xplorers discusses immersive food travel experiences and lasting community impact with Food Tank.
While Drought Rages On, Californian Farmers are Finding Ways to Conserve Water
The continuing drought in California reflects the need to challenge decades-old practices that sought to maximize short-term use of water for agriculture.
Cesar Chavez Day: Celebrating Farmworkers
A look at the current state of farmworkers as Cesar Chavez Day approaches.
Farmworkers Get the Recognition they Deserve
Farmworkers take center stage during Farmworker Awareness Week.
Coffee: from Crop to Cup
The social and environmental costs of this morning favorite may surprise you.
World Health Organization: GM-Crop Herbicide a Probable Carcinogen
The World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that glyphosate, the herbicide in Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer, is probably carcinogenic to humans.
Safeway and Fair Trade USA Announce Partnership Launching Fair Trade Seafood
Fair Trade Seafood hits shelves in the North American market.
Where is Water Hiding in Your Food?
Here are eight facts about water eaters and consumers might not know about.
Billion Dollar US-funded ‘New Alliance’ Forcing Communities Off their Land in Tanzania
ActionAid is calling on the Obama Administration to end support for the New Alliance, and focus its funding on supporting poor farmers in Africa.
Beware of the Corporate GMO Spin Doctors
Companies like Monsanto hope that casting doubt on the GMO labeling debate will cause us to get caught up in the proverbial weeds of the issue.