Agroforestry is, simply, the practice of growing trees and woody perennials on farmland, yet it can accomplish a wide variety of outcomes.
Indigenous Peoples Stand Up to Save Native Corn
A recent conference encouraged unity among indigenous communities, restore traditional economies, and ensure the survival of all native varieties of corn.
IYFF: Ecuador Focuses on Family Farmers to Improve Domestic Wheat Production
The Ecuadorian government started the program Emprendimiento Estratégico del Trigo (Strategic Wheat Ventures) to increase domestic wheat production.
How Veggies Can Save the Food System: The World Vegetable Center
The World Vegetable Center improves vegetable supply chains in developing regions through local projects and global research.
Principles for an Agricultural Regeneration
The growing number of people passionately engaged in changing the food system will eventually get us where we need to go.
Farmers’ Forum: Rome, Italy — February 17-20, 2014
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will be hosting the fifth global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum February 17-20, 2014 in Rome, Italy.
Morocco, The High Atlas Foundation
The World Congress on Agroforestry 2014 will be held in Delhi, India and is supporting farmers across the globe so that they can better their livelihoods.
The Evolution of School Feeding
Francis Peel discusses key points regarding the global growth of government-led Home Grown School Feeding programs and the impact they have on education.
Indigenous Crop: Teff- Ancient Crop with Modern Potential
Teff, a staple grain in Ethiopia, is a highly nutritious and hardy grain which has potential to help improve food security throughout the developing world.
Cyanobacterial Bio-fertilizer: Nature’s Own Solution for Improved Soil Fertility
Cyanobacterial bio-fertilizer can be an environmentally-friendly and affordable nitrogen-rich fertilizer which farmers can use to improve soil fertility.
IYFF: Vietnam, strengthening the competitiveness of smallholder farmers
The Agriculture Competitiveness Project for Vietnam is supporting smallholder farmers in Vietnam, enabling them to do more in less time.
Celebrating the Potential of Permaculture
Food Tank highlights ten projects that embrace permaculture practices worldwide. In March, permaculture experts will gather for the Permaculture Voices event.
A Push for Sustainable Agriculture in China from the Top Down and Bottom Up
Politicians, farmers, and consumers look to change the tone of sustainable agriculture in China.
IYFF: Bangladesh, Empowering Landless Families to Commercially Produce Fish
The Shiblee Hatchery & Farms cage culture fish farming project in southern Bangladesh is supporting landless families, providing them with a source of income.
Healing the Land, Grazing for Solutions
Allan Savory’s vision for a more sustainable food system, the “Savory Grazing Method,” facing criticism, and his long-term plans for The Savory Institute.
Building Economic and Food Security with REAL Certification
REAL certification makes eating out nutritious and affordable.
Indigenous Food: Coconuts are the Tree of Life
Coconuts: one seed; infinite uses. The coconut seed can reproduce after traveling months in the ocean and is produced in many forms.
UC Berkeley Journalism Fellowship Makes Food a Serious Topic in the Media
The 11th Hour Food and Farming Journalism Fellowship offers journalists a chance to report on topics related to U.S. food systems.
Bhutan’s New Development Paradigm advocates for sustainable development
Bhutan’s New Development Paradigm places sustainable agriculture and food and water security at the center of the development agenda.
Study suggests multinational companies can contribute to local agricultural development
A recent study suggests that multinational corporations can work with local industries to transform agricultural markets.