He’eia is the second largest of about 40 fishponds left in the Hawaiian Islands, and this non-profit has worked to rebuild and preserve the traditional structure since 2001, looking at ancient foodways that could, if permitted and desired, feed the entire island.
Making Fish Farming Cool for Rural Youth
Nigeria has recently focused on drawing teenagers to aquaculture, a challenge that CORAF has accepted through its WAAPP initiative.
Financial Aid in Nigeria Creating a New Interest in Rural Fish Farming
Aquaculture in Nigeria has greatly benefited organizations like CORAF, which utilizes its WAAPP initiative to train people in rural fish farming.
Using Aquaculture Development to Encourage Women’s Employment in West Africa
Through CORAF and its WAAPP initiative, rural Nigerian women have the opportunity to work through aquaculture.
Promoting Integrated Fisheries in West Africa
CORAF has partnered with a number of West African universities in order to further develop integrated fisheries and aquaculture educational programs.
Time to “Say No” to Atlantic Salmon in Australia
Aquaculture may be a key player in providing food security to a growing population, but if it isn’t done carefully, the environment on which it relies can pay the price.
Smoking Fish Reduces Waste—and Improves Incomes
A Nigerian research center spent over a decade perfecting fish smoking technology for fish producers, improving their livelihoods and protecting their catch from post-harvest loss.
Aquaculture Improves the Livelihoods of Disabled Farmers in South Africa
INMED has received a grant from USAID for expanding its Adaptive Agriculture program. INMED will improve the livelihoods of farmers with disabilities through updating and installing aquaponics systems in Free State, South Africa.