Food Policy Report Card for U.S. Congress Shows Lack of Action

On November 1, 2017, Food Policy Action (FPA) released its annual National Food Policy Scorecard to help the public track actions taken by lawmakers in the United States (U.S.) Congress. Scores were down this year because neither the House nor the Senate spent much time on food issues this year.

New Toolkit to Empower Local Food Advocates

The Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic has partnered with the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future to update Good Laws, Good Food: Putting Local Food Policy to Work for Our Communities, a toolkit that educates, inspires, and empowers local food advocates.

Mayors Meet to Collaborate on Milan Urban Food Policy Pact

More than 400 mayors, city officials, and experts convened in Valencia, Spain from October 19 to 21, 2017 for the Third Annual Gathering of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP). Delegates from the 159 signatory cities engaged in debates, forums, and panels to exchange ideas and solutions to food-related issues relevant to urban environments.

In “Trash Empire,” Dumpster Diving Success Sheds Light on Food Waste

Dumpster diving success led filmmaker William Reid to live on food waste from supermarkets and restaurants for two years. Reid hopes the “absurdity” of his diet will lead to consumer, industry, and policy action.

FAO Places Sustainable Agriculture Center Stage in National Climate Change Plans

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization has unveiled new guidelines to help countries place agriculture at the center of climate change adaptation plans.

Food Planet Health, New Website Launched by EAT-Lancet Commission

“It’s now time to go beyond adjusting recipes and start to build new and truly sustainable business models,” says Dr. Gunhild A. Stordalen of the EAT Food Forum 2016.

When Urban Agriculture and Food Justice Are at Odds: Antonio Roman-Alcalá and Erin Havens on AB 551

AB551, a bill designed to support urban agriculture across California, was passed with the hopes that it would also work towards food justice. Food First’s Antonio Roman-Alcalá and Erin Havens think it might be doing otherwise.

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