Danielle Nierenberg
276 Articles0 Comments

Danielle Nierenberg is President of Food Tank and an expert on sustainable agriculture and food issues. She has written extensively on gender and population, the spread of factory farming in the developing world and innovations in sustainable agriculture.

Yes, it’s Still Farm Bill Season. Here’s What You Need to Know about the Future of Food Policy

The House and the Senate have released competing Farm Bills. Can they reach a consensus?

Progress in The Food System Means Empowering Eaters—Today and for Generations to Come

Empowered eaters are at the center of conversations on land justice, healthier school foods, food is medicine, procurement, and more.

Where Are You Reading This? That’s Where Food System Transformation Is Happening

Every step forward is a win: a win for producers, a win for eaters, a win for the planet. 

Using Storytelling in Film to Showcase Food Heroes

These film projects are more than movies—they can turn into movements.

How To Make Your 2024 Food Predictions Come True

These five concrete steps will help build meaningful food systems change right now.

How Kids’ Books Can Remind Us of the Joy of Food Systems Transformation

Spotlighting books about food for young readers is central to the goal of strengthening youth voices and empowering advocates of all ages.

After COP28, ‘We Finally Have a Floor To Stand On.’ Where Do We Go From Here?

COP28 wasn’t perfect, but the food movement made incredible gains that should be celebrated.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Saturday, Dec. 10

Food and agriculture systems are taking center stage at COP28 on Food, Agriculture, and Water Day.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Saturday, Dec. 9

COP28 is highlighting calls for action regarding the meat industry, food loss and waste, and social equity in climate transformation.

Dispatch from the U.N. Climate Change Conference: Friday, Dec. 8

COP28 is calling governments, corporations, and philanthropists together, with youth and education taking center stage.

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