
How to Grow the Grains that Feed the World

In a FAO meeting crop production specialists agreed that agriculture can no longer rely on input-intensive agriculture to increase crop production.

Diez Maneras de Apoyar a la Nueva Generacion de Agricultores

De acuerdo a la Oficina Federal del Censo (U.S. Census Bureau), la edad promedio entre los agricultores ha aumentado de manera constante durante los últimos diez años. El Departamento de Agricultura (USDA) reporta que la mitad de los agricultores  activos,…

Faces of the International Year of Family Farmers

Winners of the international photography competition were announced at the Global Dialogue on Family Farming in October.

10 Organizations Committed to the International Year of Family Farming

These organizations, movements, and projects are transforming the way people nourish themselves and their communities worldwide.

White House Takes Steps To Protect Bee Populations

President Obama acknowledges alarming scientific research pointing to considerable declines in pollinator populations and implements protective policies.

Maintaining Nutrition from Farm to Fork with Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

In July 2014, IFAD hosted a four-day workshop to discuss the growing need for nutrient-sensitive agriculture.

The Little Seed That Could: Red Fife Berry

Chef Alexandra Borgia provides a recipe for a nut salad using the berry of the heritage wheat, Red Fife.

What Happened to the Biggest Land Grab in Africa? Searching for ProSavana in Mozambique

Timothy A. Wise writes about his trip to Mozambique and the failures of the ProSavana project in the Nacala Corridor of Mozambique.

Opening the Subcontinent to Agricultural Information Systems

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research seeks ways to increase access to agricultural knowledge and information for small-scale Indian farmers.

Broadcasting Central & West African Agricultural Innovation

CORAF/WECARD is promoting agribusiness in West and Central Africa with over 70 videos on YouTube showcasing innovation and technology

VIDEO RELEASE: Biocultural Diversity Combats Climate Change

Food Tank produced a video highlighting how biocultural landscapes can benefit the health of both people and the planet.

Women in Agriculture: Zimbabwe Strives for Gender Equality

Programs in Zimbabwe are working to close the gender gap and empower women farmers to take leadership roles in agriculture.

Samburu Pastoralists Protect Environment and Culture

The Samburu pastoral way of life protects the environment in which they live, an environment essential to their culture.

Why Solving Inequality is Key to a Climate Smart and Food Secure Future

Addressing gender inequality in agriculture would result in a much-needed increase in global food security.

A New Partnership between Kenya and Nigeria Aims to Reduce Food Imports

New partnership between Nigeria and Kenya aims to reduce food imports and advance domestic agriculture.

Rice Varieties Critical to Culture and Biodiversity at Risk of Extinction

Culturally significant heirloom rice varieties in the Philippines are at risk of extinction.

The Future of Rice in Japan

Japan’s agricultural future stands in the balance of many interests.

Terra Madre Day: Celebrating Local Food

Terra Madre Day will take place on December 10, with special events planned around the world.

Celebrating Farmer Creativity Around the World

The international network Prolinnova hosts Farmer Innovation Fairs across the globe to bring together smallholder farmers and celebrate their creativity.

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