
Policymakers Turn to Smallholder Farmers as Partners in Development

Policymakers insist that development agencies must include smallholder farmers as partners rather than beneficiaries in food security and development efforts.

Tell Policymakers: Support Young Farmers Around the Globe!

It’s time for a revolution in the food system—young and new farmers need government support to nourish future generations.

VIDEO: How Collaborative Technologies Are Improving Family Farming

Experts discuss how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can improve family farming and make it more sustainable, resilient, and profitable.

Food for Tomorrow: The New York Times Gathers Food Experts to Discuss the Future of Food

Food for Tomorrow, organized by The New York Times, will provide a unique opportunity for collaboration on solutions to hunger, obesity, and poverty.

Mapping the Genomes of Africa’s ‘Orphan’ Crops

African crops once overlooked by food scientists are now the focus of a genomic mapping project.

Baker Creek Keeps History Alive Through Seeds

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds is home to more than 1,600 seed varieties and serves customers all over the world from its warehouse in Missouri.

10 Innovative Urban Agriculture Enterprises in Memphis

Take a look at these ten inspiring urban agriculture projects in Memphis, TN.

Pineland Farms: Magic Happens When Private Funding Meets Family Farming

Over 20 local family farms in Maine supply into Pineland’s three companies (beef, potatoes, and dairy), with profits being reinvested back into the community.

Family Farming Down Under

Despite increasing pressure to corporatize, family farming remains the primary source of agricultural production in Australia.

Voices of GFAR: Providing Better Extension Services for Family Farmers

A sound agricultural innovation system requires a combination of diverse extension service schemes that mobilize a variety of methods to educate smallholders.

The Japan Family Farmers Movement is Making Strides

NOUMINREN, or the Japan Family Farmers Movement, is a grassroots political movement intent on strengthening Japan’s foundation of family farmers.

Over Grow The System Documents the Sustainable Farming Movement

Over Grow The System uses photography, video, music, and website design to capture the essence of the emerging sustainable food movement in British Columbia.

10 Innovative Urban Agriculture Projects in San Diego, California

San Diego, California is home to a cornucopia of innovative and inspiring urban agriculture initiatives.

Changing the Future of Global Agriculture: An Interview with Mark Holderness

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Mark Holderness about the Global Forum on Agricultural Research’s goals, challenges, and initiatives.

Fair Food Network Is Putting Local Produce on More Plates Through a “Healthy Food Incentive Program”

Oran B. Hesterman tells us how healing the food system goes beyond individual choice and requires social action.

What’s Sweeter Than a Sweet Potato?

Grown in New Zealand, kumara offers a sweet way to fill upon on vitamins and fiber.

How Vegetables Can Save the World

Vegetables play an essential role in healing the global food system. Investing in vegetables means investing in a healthy future!

10 Urban Agriculture Projects in Paris, France

The City of Light has gone green with numerous urban agriculture projects.

Agricultural Research Can Ease Food Insecurity in Conflict Zones

GFAR and its partners have been working to show that agricultural innovation and research during and after protracted crises is fundamental to fighting hunger.

Young Agricultural Professionals Are Driving Agricultural Development

Rebeca Souza, YPARD Representative in Brazil, gives her opinion about what will engage more young people in agriculture.

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