
Making Agriculture “Cool” for Youth

Food Tank, in collaboration with GFAR, has compiled an exciting list of organizations working with young people around the world to make agriculture cool again.

Trees: Allies of Urban Gardeners

Although air pollution has adverse effects on urban agriculture, the capacity of trees to remove major air pollutants guarantees healthier crops growing nearby.

Save the Bees! What’s Threatening Pollinators and Why They Are Vital to Agriculture

Pollinators are responsible for much of the food we consume, but are experiencing sharp declines. The Xerces Society speaks with Food Tank about conservation.

Food Hero: Chip Taylor, Pollinator Protector Winner of the Growing Green Awards 2014

Chip Taylor has been awarded for his work as director of Monarch Watch, a program protecting monarch butterflies from extinction.

Climate-Smart Agriculture Success Stories

Explore some success stories of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s projects for climate-smart agriculture around the world.

10 Indigenous Foods You Should Start Eating Today

Is your diet too processed or lacking in nutrients? Try out some of these 10 indigenous foods from around the world!

Climate-Smart Agriculture Hits the 21st Century

“Climate-smart” agriculture – agriculture that is productive, resilient, and part of the solution to the climate problem – must become the new paradigm.

Six Key Recommendations for Family Farming in North America

This April representatives from 35 organizations around the world gathered in Québec City to participate in the Dialogue on Family Farming in North America.

AWARD: Improving the Role for Women in Agricultural Research

Women in Africa are becoming inspired to develop careers in agricultural development.

Smallholders’ Access to Markets for Certified Sustainable Products-Interview with David Cuming

Food Tank interviews David Cuming,of SAMCERT on his views of the success and struggles of the certification project, coffee and cocoa growers, and ‘cupping’.

Food Hero: Will Harris, Sustainable Livestock Producer Winner of the Growing Green Awards 2014

Will Harris won the Growing Green Awards in Sustainable Livestock Production adopting sustainable practices and making his farm a profitable business.

Shelter From the Storm: RIICE Combines Technology and Insurance to Support Rice Farmers

RIICE is an innovative project that uses crop insurance, crop yield monitoring and the latest satellite technology to support smallholder farms Southeast Asia.

GFAR Partnering With EAT to Create Research Network Uniting Agriculture and Nutrition

GFAR has partnered with the EAT Stockholm Food Forum to lead an integrated approach to increasing the sustainability and nutritional value of food.

Agriculture Gets A Facelift: How To Bring Youth Back Into The Field

Youth networks across the world are working tirelessly to excite young people about a career in agriculture.

Menu of Solutions to Feed Nine Billion by 2050

Guardian Sustainable Business hosted a panel of experts to discuss: Food and Agriculture: What Are The Sustainability Challenges?

Ugly Fruit and Vegetables Hit the Catwalk

Intermarché have put ugly fruit and vegetables into the spotlight to educate consumers on food waste.

Bottom-up Sustainability in Australia’s Livestock Industry

Despite a challenging macroeconomic and political context, sheep and cattle farmers in Australia are building a sustainable industry by 2020 through Target 100.

Food Hero: Robert Egger-Founder and President of L.A. Kitchen

“In the fight against hunger, we need less Sara Lee and more cerebellum,” said Robert Egger, Founder of DC Central Kitchen and L.A. Kitchen.

Engaging Agricultural Communities in the Mediterranean

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and the Foundation for South-North Mediterranean Dialogue are aiding rural communities in the Medterranean.

Food to Share: Incredible Edible Takes Root in France

In France, gardeners are making another revolution—they’re planting food to share in their communities.

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