Crops and Commodities

34 Indigenous Crops Promoting Health and Feeding the World

Food Tank has compiled a list of indigenous fruits, vegetables, and grains that are nutritious, delicious, and contribute to sustainable livelihoods.

Small-Scale Farming to Stop Cocaine Production

As Colombia halts its aerial spraying program, the alternative development programs look to turn farmers towards legal agriculture.

Kuli Kuli Brings Nutrition to West Africa by Bringing Moringa to America

Kuli Kuli harnesses the power of superfood “moringa” to bring cross-national nutrition to those in need.

16 Campaigns that Reveal the REAL Cost of Food

Industrial agriculture is externalizing the environmental and health costs associated with food production, these 16 campaigns fight back.

250 Must-Follow Twitter Feeds For Every Food Activist

Here are 250 Twitter accounts for every food activist to follow.

The Hunt for Alphabet Veggies Brings Kids Closer to Produce

Have you ever seen an alphabet made out of fruits and vegetables? Me neither. With your help, that’s about to change.

The Land Battle: 15 Organizations Defending Land Rights

Here are 15 organizations protecting farmers and their communities against land grabs.

Food Security After Ebola

In the wake of the Ebola outbreak, West African countries turn to face their next challenge: food security.

16 progetti che mettono in risalto l’uso della permacultura

Food Tank presenta le 16 organizzazioni che stanno cercando di incoraggiare uno stile di vita più sostenibile attraverso l’introduzione della permacultura

Growing North Dakota Sustainably, One Small Farm at a Time

FAARMS talks with Food Tank about how they plan to revitalize small farms and rural communities in North Dakota.

Improving Ohio’s Food System One Meal at a Time

The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association is working to improve Ohio’s food system through education, advocacy and grassroots organizing.

Sweet Sorghum: Zero Waste Plant

Sweet sorghum plant is drought-resistant and yields syrup favored in different parts of the world.

Agroforestry in Colombia: An Interview with Irene Montes Londoño

Food Tank discusses agroecology with Colombian family farmer and soon-to-be Yale scholar.

30 donne sotto I 30 anni che stanno cambiando l’alimentazione

30 donne, provenienti da tutto il mondo, stanno tracciando la strada per un futuro migliore ed ecologicamente sostenibile per l’alimentazione

Women Farmers are Guardians of Crop Diversity in the Andes

Women farmers in the Andes play an important role in preserving crop diversity.

101 fatti che ci rendono ottimisti sul futuro del cibo

Le 101 storie di persone, organizzazioni e attività chef anno ben sperare nel futuro sostenibile del cibo

True Cost Accounting: Deflation Dragging Down Global Food Prices

Deflation is dragging down global food prices, which may be worse than it sounds.

Snack Fairly with These Nine Outstanding Brands

These nine grocery store brands are using their products to help build a more sustainably sound food system.

Las Lajas: The Micro-Coffee Mill Proving that Small Is Beautiful

On the hunt for truly sustainable coffee, micro-entrepreneurs are combining high quality and environmental protection. Find out how!

Hannah Freeman: Fair Trade Turns Farmworkers into Change Agents

Fair Trade certified products contribute to better working conditions, health, education, and general wellbeing for farmworkers.

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