Ask ‘Why?’ to Build a More Equitable, Sustainable Food System

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AGRA Retreats from its Own ‘Green Revolution’

Recent changes suggest that AGRA and its donors are concealing their retreat from a failing strategy.

Reflections on The World Food Prize

Researchers are using models to understand how the climate crisis is impacting crop yields, identify potential solutions, and stress the urgent need for action.

Op-Ed: Can Africa Be Sustainably Food Self-Sufficient?

Interventions must feed the growing population while reducing pressure on biodiversity and natural resources.

Congress Should Pull the Plug on USAID’S Failing African Green Revolution

U.S. Congress should shift funding toward more promising ecological programs that will support farmers.

Social Movements And Scientists Are Challenging the UN Food Systems Summit’s Agenda

Civil society organizations, scientists and Indigenous peoples are taking a stand against UN Food Systems Summit’s agenda.

Africans Publicly Challenge Green Revolution Backers

Africa’s largest civil society network and its allies are calling on investors to stop funding programs that promote an extractive model agriculture in Africa.

African Faith Leaders Call on The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Drop African Green Revolution

An alliance of African faith leaders outline the harmful effects of high input Green Revolution programs, like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

Selling the Past as Innovation in Africa

Despite criticism, a growing number of farmers, scientists, and development experts are advocate for a shift from high-input, chemical-intensive agriculture to low-input ecological farming.

Saving the Food Supply: Technology and Tradition

In a Washington Post book review, Danielle Nierenberg commends Amanda Little’s The Fate of Food for portraying the value of both tech and tradition in food.

Opinion | Agroecology as Innovation

While financial interests in the current input-intensive systems are responding to growing calls for agroecology with attacks on its efficacy, it is surprising that they are so ill-informed about the scientific innovations agroecology offers to small-scale farmers who are being so poorly served by “green revolution” approaches.

Toward a Greener Revolution: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Dr. Sieglinde Snapp discusses the importance of the ‘Rainbow Revolution’ in Nourished Planet. Agricultural systems that value diversity and build farmers’ capacity can create a more sustainable and resilient food system.

Is There an Algorithm to End World Hunger?

The tools of Big Data analytics have led to transformations in many sectors—from finance to politics to professional sports. What could these new approaches to data science do for agriculture? The new CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture is leading the way for these innovations in agricultural development, with over 8,000 researchers working to incorporate Big Data into farming research.

GREEN Foundation is Reversing Negative Effects of the Green Revolution

The Green Revolution promoted industrialized growing of high-yield crops to prevent hunger. In India, though, this destroyed biodiversity. Now, the GREEN Foundation is working to restore indigenous farming there.

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