In “Trash Empire,” Dumpster Diving Success Sheds Light on Food Waste

Dumpster diving success led filmmaker William Reid to live on food waste from supermarkets and restaurants for two years. Reid hopes the “absurdity” of his diet will lead to consumer, industry, and policy action.

“Breaking Down the Silos of Consumers and Producers” in Washington State

Russell Lehman and Arianna Muirow of Seattle-based Food Action discuss sustainability, regenerativity, and food access for all through their whole systems approach to food system reform.

Berry Good Night 100: Transforming the Food System with 100 Idea Ambassadors

What will you share with us? Who will enlighten you? What will we be inspired to do together? Are the questions Berry Good Food Foundation is pondering over, so join them for an evening of TEDx-style event in San Diego.

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