IFAD released a new report at COP21 revealing the missing links between climate change and migration in major news coverage.
Climate Change
Meat, Paris, and Next Steps
What was off the radar—almost taboo, even—at the Climate Talks in Paris (COP21) was the topic of meat consumption.
Ecological Farming Practices Needed To Achieve New Climate Targets
It’s time to support a more ecological paradigm of agricultural intensification.
Food Services’ Thoughts on the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21)
Three activist’s thoughts on climate change, COP21, and how the fight for 15, climate change, and black lives matter are all connected.
Can We Eat Meat and Still Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
With the population set to soar, there is a huge opportunity to intervene and bring down greenhouse gas emissions whilst ensuring food and nutrition security.
Making California Resilient with Ecology Center
Ecology Center takes on food justice and the drought crisis in California.
35 Google+ Accounts to Follow
Food Tank has rounded up a list of 35 Google+ accounts of organizations you should follow.
Biochar Might Be Ag’s Biggest Innovation in Years
A humble-looking black charcoal could be an option for mitigating carbon while increasing crop yields and soil fertility. Is it too good to be true?
Rescuing Both Food Waste and Families from Hunger
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine provides solutions to prevent food waste in ten cities throughout the United States.
Community Forests International Plants Trees and Livelihoods on Pemba Island
Community Forests International has helped Pemban communities plant over one million trees and establish agroforestry systems to provide fruit and timber.
Mars Food Commits to 100 Percent Sustainable Rice By 2020
Mars Food is the first to commit to a new standard for sustainable rice production.
Healthy Habits for Life: Minneapolis School Kids Engage with Foods Hands-On
Midwest Food Connection uses both classroom and hands-on curriculum to teach Minneapolis school kids about healthy eating choices.
Community-Based Food Rescue Programs Providing a Solution to Hunger and Food Waste
Table to Table uses community-based programs to rescue edible food waste and distribute meals to hungry families through partner organizations.
Coalition Building to Fight Food Insecurity
Alaska Food Coalition creates a place for its members to share the best practices and methods for distributing food.
Building a Network of Farmers and Stewards of the Land
Practical Farmers of Iowa is working tirelessly to build a network of farmers to help share sustainable practices.
2015 Fuller Challenge Winner: GreenWave Will Scale Out 3D Ocean Farming
GreenWave will scale out a 3D ocean farming model to restore ocean biodiversity and spur coastal job creation.
At the Nexus of Climate Change and Global Hunger, Equity Is Key
A new report reveals the importance of cultivating equality in solutions to hunger and climate change.
Lessons From the Camel Culture of Rajasthan, India
Food Tank recently had the chance to interview Dr. Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, international activist and advocate for livestock culture.
Chef Acheson Serves Up Endangered Species and Fresh Perspective
Chef Hugh Acheson surprises diners by serving an endangered species.