One year into EU wide ban on neonicotinoids, controversy is still widespread on how to protect bee populations.
Climate Change
Pushing for International Agreements: The Milan Protocol
Speakers on the “Pushing for International Agreements: The Milan Protocol” panel tackled the world of international trade and agreements related to agriculture.
15 Seed Saving Initiatives Protecting Biodiversity for Future Generations
Food Tank and SEHN are highlighting 15 important seed-saving projects across the globe that are helping preserve global agricultural biodiversity.
The Secret to a Carbon-Friendly Diet May Surprise You
Author Nicolette Hahn Niman discusses soil’s important role in sequestering carbon and the unexpected ways that eaters can help mitigate climate change.
EPA Launches Food Waste Reduction Toolkit
Food service facilities on the west coast and in the Pacific islands can now benefit from free logistical support from the EPA, aimed at reducing food waste.
White House Takes Steps To Protect Bee Populations
President Obama acknowledges alarming scientific research pointing to considerable declines in pollinator populations and implements protective policies.
Integration of Māori Knowledge into New Zealand Politics Promotes Biodiversity
The knowledge of the Māori people in New Zealand is integrated into governmental efforts to address environmental challenges.
Knowledge is Power: Tackling Climate Change One Forecast at a Time
Smallholder farmers in Africa are adopting Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) to adapt their farms to the increasingly unpredictable climate.
VIDEO RELEASE: Biocultural Diversity Combats Climate Change
Food Tank produced a video highlighting how biocultural landscapes can benefit the health of both people and the planet.
Reindeer Herders of Northern Europe Confront Climate Change
The traditional livelihood of the Sámi reindeer herders is being threatened by climate change and land rights issues.
A Rare Look at Genetic Diversity in Our Food System
Genetic preservationists are vital to the sustainability of future food production.
Samburu Pastoralists Protect Environment and Culture
The Samburu pastoral way of life protects the environment in which they live, an environment essential to their culture.
Andean Values have Promoted Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture for Centuries
Indigenous people in Andes promote sustainable agriculture and crop biodiversity.
Can Agroecology Be Part of the Common Agriculture Policy?
Arc2020 is helping develop agroecological communities around Europe using pre-existing support structures.
UN Climate Summit Takes Steps to Ensure Food Security for 9 Billion People by 2050
GFAR stakeholders have been at the forefront of actions to raise awareness of the potential of agricultural systems in adapting and mitigating to climate change
BUGS Program Exemplifies Learning By Doing
Living Classrooms, based in Baltimore, Maryland, uses a learning-by-doing approach to teach youth about agriculture.
Acequias Canals Irrigation System is Vital to Agriculture in Arid Regions
Acequias traditions of the American southwest manage water irrigation in a democratic community structure.
Louisiana’s Boot Needs Repairing
National Estuaries Week brings together Louisiana communities to participate in restoration efforts.
Food Tank Video Announced as “Best Public Service Announcement” Finalist
Food Tank’s video “International Year of Family Farming,” produced by Greener Media, is among the top three finalists in the Best PSA category.