Climate Change

10 Ways to Grow a Better Food System

When you’ve already gone beyond the easy things, here are ten more things you can do to support a sustainable food system.

Jamaican Youth and Women Battle Against Climate Change

Jamaican women and youth lead the battle against climate change with the help of Ja REEACH.

Food for Tomorrow: The New York Times Gathers Food Experts to Discuss the Future of Food

Food for Tomorrow, organized by The New York Times, will provide a unique opportunity for collaboration on solutions to hunger, obesity, and poverty.

Kellogg Commits To Tackle Climate Change

After a campaign by Oxfam with over 200,000 supporters, Kellogg is committing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Food Security Program in Mali Inspires Culture of Conservation

In Mali, community nurseries and conservation programs are remedying the devastating effects of ongoing drought.

How Vegetables Can Save the World

Vegetables play an essential role in healing the global food system. Investing in vegetables means investing in a healthy future!

Modeling Climate Futures Could Put African Farmers a Step Ahead of Climate Change

Data showing scientists how climate change will affect African landscapes could allow time for research and adjustment to protect food security.

Trees: Allies of Urban Gardeners

Although air pollution has adverse effects on urban agriculture, the capacity of trees to remove major air pollutants guarantees healthier crops growing nearby.

Oxfam Calls on Big 10 Food and Beverage Corporations to Tackle Climate Change

Oxfam reports on the unique opportunity for the Big 10 food and beverage corporations to tackle climate change.

Do You Want Flies With That? 10 Insects You Should Consider Adding to Your Diet

Insects are a nutritious source of energy, and adding them to your diet could reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions by up to 18 percent.

10 Urban Agriculture Projects from Europe’s Greenest City: Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg is historically one of the most environmentally-conscious cities in all of Europe. Food Tank highlights ten urban agriculture projects in Freiburg.

Chicago Council: How To Protect Our Food Supply in the Face Of Climate Change

Today’s panelists weighed in on how to protect food supplies and secure farmer’s incomes when faced with changing climates.

Chicago Council: “We Can’t Talk About Climate Change Without Talking About Family Farmers”

“Climate-Smart Food Security” panel addressed the role of family farmers in mitigating the effects of climate change.

Food Security and Climate Change: “No One Will Escape the Consequences”

A report released today by the Chicago Council, addressing food security in a changing climate, calls for immediate and enduring action from the United States.

Creating Resilience in the Food System Amidst Climate Change

Charting a course for how the U.S. government—in partnership with business, civil society, and international organizations—can advance global food security.

How Melbourne is Becoming a Sustainable, Thriving Food City

Melbourne, Australia is recognizing the impact food has on the health and well-being of its community and is committed to promoting a healthy food system.

Breaking: Climate Change Threatens Human Health

A groundbreaking study, released May 7th in Nature by the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) indicates rising CO2 threatens human nutrition.

Food: A Forum: Addressing Food Security for a Population of Nine Billion

During “Food Security In an Insecure World,” panelists highlighted the importance of working with farmers and investment in nutrition and infrastructure.

Menus of Change: “This is how I’m going to be a leader”

The Culinary Institute of America and Harvard partner for a better food system.

New Report hits home: No one will be untouched by climate change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released it’s 5th International Assessment on the impacts of climate change.

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