Food Tank spoke with Seeds&Chips CEO Marco Gualtieri about the marriage of technology and sustainable food systems, the so-called “Internet of Food.”
Innovation for Sustainability
Colorado’s Incredible Irrigation System Conserves Water, Produces Green Energy
USDA approves Colorado hydropower project proposal for funding as part of a new conservation initiative.
Transforming Food Systems with Agroecology
Agroecology course at UCSC uses immersive interactive learning to examine the history and prospects of the movement.
Civilization Boxset: Is Open Sourced Hardware the Future?
Open Source Ecology is creating open source blueprints for cost-effective and efficient machines to build a “civilization-in-a-box.”
The Future of Rice: An Interview with Caryl Levine of Lotus Foods on SRI Initiatives
Caryl Levine, co-founder of Lotus Foods Inc. shares her work with SRI Initiatives.
Farmworkers Get the Recognition they Deserve
Farmworkers take center stage during Farmworker Awareness Week.
High School Students Launch Innovative Greenhouse Program
Maggie Bass and fellow environmentally-minded students at DC public schools are pushing for more greenhouses and curriculum focused on urban ecology.
International Partnership Creating Biodiversity Database
Genetic information from global gene banks will finally be made public and searchable thanks to new international initiative.
Five Questions with Scott Davis, former Chief Concept and Innovation Officer at Panera Bread
Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with Scott Davis, formerly of Panera Bread, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit.
EPA Launches Food Waste Reduction Toolkit
Food service facilities on the west coast and in the Pacific islands can now benefit from free logistical support from the EPA, aimed at reducing food waste.
Be a Part of the Change: Young Earth Solutions Competition
Students under the age of 35 can submit ideas for sustainable solutions in the food supply chain to the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition.
TechnoServe: Business Solutions to Poverty
Founded in 1968, TechnoServe connects people to the crucial resources they need to lift themselves from poverty.
Opening the Subcontinent to Agricultural Information Systems
The Global Forum on Agricultural Research seeks ways to increase access to agricultural knowledge and information for small-scale Indian farmers.
Broadcasting Central & West African Agricultural Innovation
CORAF/WECARD is promoting agribusiness in West and Central Africa with over 70 videos on YouTube showcasing innovation and technology