Small-Scale Farming

Five Questions with the National Family Farm Coalition’s Kathy Ozer

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with Kathy Ozer of the NFFC, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit in partnership with T

Five Questions with the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s Thomas Pesek

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with Thomas Pesek of IFAD, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit in partnership with The

Five Questions with Winrock International’s John Fisk

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with John Fisk of the Wallace Center, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit.

Five Questions with Barbara Ekwall of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with with Barbara Ekwall, of the U.N. FAO, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit.

Farmers’ Rights for Reducing Hunger and Poverty

Juanita Chaves Posada, GFAR Senior Adviser on Genetic Resources, is informing smallholder farmers in developing countries about their rights.

Land Grabs, Food Security and Global Justice: An Interview with the Oakland Institute

An interview with Anuradha Mittal, founder and director of progressive think tank, the Oakland Institute.

Five Questions with Laurie Benson, Founder of 1% For Women

Food Tank recently had the opportunity to speak with Laurie Benson, Founder of 1% For Women, who was one of the speakers at the 2015 Food Tank Summit.

Samburu Pastoralists Protect Environment and Culture

The Samburu pastoral way of life protects the environment in which they live, an environment essential to their culture.

Rice Varieties Critical to Culture and Biodiversity at Risk of Extinction

Culturally significant heirloom rice varieties in the Philippines are at risk of extinction.

Terra Madre Day: Celebrating Local Food

Terra Madre Day will take place on December 10, with special events planned around the world.

Celebrating Farmer Creativity Around the World

The international network Prolinnova hosts Farmer Innovation Fairs across the globe to bring together smallholder farmers and celebrate their creativity.

10 Cities Leading the Conversation on Sustainable Eating

These ten cities around the world are revolutionizing their food systems and leading the conversation on sustainable eating.

Researchers Find an Area the Size of the EU is Cultivated in Urban Areas Around the World

A recent study documents the extent of urban and peri-urban croplands around the world and what resources those farms consume.

From Seattle to Rome, Food Sovereignty Movement Pushes for Reforms

In Seattle and Rome, the food sovereignty movement pushed for key changes in the global food system.

La Via Campesina and the Path to Food Sovereignty

La Via Campesina is an international movement giving voice to small- and medium-scale farmers around the world.

The Right Investments Can Help Lift Millions of Farmers from Poverty

“With the right policies and programs in place, solutions can be found,” said Esther Penunia, General Secretary of the Asian Farmers’ Association.

The Peterson Garden Project: Teaching Chicago to Grow

The Peterson Garden Project is teaching people how to bring their food from garden to table by introducing a gardening guide and a teaching kitchen in 2014.

Conflict and Agriculture

In honor of the United State’s Veterans Day; highlighting 13 veteran and refugee agriculture projects across the world that are helping to heal wounds of war.

40 Chances to Create a Better Food System

Food Tank has compiled a list of 40 individuals and organizations breaking the status quo in food and nutrition security, food sovereignty, and food justice.

Food Sovereignty Prize Honorees Attend World Food Prize Ceremonies

The winners of the Food Sovereignty Prize, recognized for “fighting for the right to food for all,” will be attending the World Food Prize Ceremony.

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