Sustainable Agriculture

Opening the Subcontinent to Agricultural Information Systems

The Global Forum on Agricultural Research seeks ways to increase access to agricultural knowledge and information for small-scale Indian farmers.

Broadcasting Central & West African Agricultural Innovation

CORAF/WECARD is promoting agribusiness in West and Central Africa with over 70 videos on YouTube showcasing innovation and technology

VIDEO RELEASE: Biocultural Diversity Combats Climate Change

Food Tank produced a video highlighting how biocultural landscapes can benefit the health of both people and the planet.

A New Partnership between Kenya and Nigeria Aims to Reduce Food Imports

New partnership between Nigeria and Kenya aims to reduce food imports and advance domestic agriculture.

Rice Varieties Critical to Culture and Biodiversity at Risk of Extinction

Culturally significant heirloom rice varieties in the Philippines are at risk of extinction.

Terra Madre Day: Celebrating Local Food

Terra Madre Day will take place on December 10, with special events planned around the world.

Andean Values have Promoted Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture for Centuries

Indigenous people in Andes promote sustainable agriculture and crop biodiversity.

Addressing Labor in Scaling Sustainable Agriculture

As the demand for fair labor grows, agriculture will become more sustainable.

10 Cities Leading the Conversation on Sustainable Eating

These ten cities around the world are revolutionizing their food systems and leading the conversation on sustainable eating.

10 Fantastic Food Markets Around the World

Love fresh produce and artisan cheeses? Where can you find pigs’ ears next to flowers? Here are the best food markets around the world.

La Via Campesina and the Path to Food Sovereignty

La Via Campesina is an international movement giving voice to small- and medium-scale farmers around the world.

BCFN YES! Finalists to Present at Sixth International Forum on Food & Nutrition

The ten Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition (BCFN) YES! Finalists will present at the Sixth International Forum on Food and Nutrition December 3–4 in Milan.

Fourteen Awesome Food Organizations in California

California has fourteen top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Six Awesome Food Organizations in Arkansas

Arkansas has six top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Five Awesome Food Organizations in Alabama

Alabama has five top organizations named in the James Beard Foundation and Food Tank’s just released 2014 Good Food Org Guide.

Can Palm Oil Go Sustainable in Indonesia?

Pulling off climate mitigation, like REDD+, and fixing deforestation in Indonesia’s palm oil industry is a difficult proposition.

Q & A with Sustainable Food Trust’s Patrick Holden

The Sustainable Food Trust (SFT) is a new organization with a mission of working internationally to accelerate the transition to more sustainable food systems.

10 Chefs Helping to Revolutionize Sustainable Food

Ten chefs grow food either at their restaurants or nearby, sourcing more directly and locally than ever.

Q & A with Sustainable AgTech Innovation Center’s Edward Silva

Edward Silva of Sustainable AgTech Innovation Center talks about sustainable agricultural and food technologies.

Scanning for Solutions: National Survey Asks Communities Nationwide to Share Food Projects

The Wallace Center at Winrock International, Changing Tastes and Common Market scan the nation for community-based food system innovations.

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