A ‘Game Changer’ Law May Help Black Farmers Secure Threatened Land Legacies

Resolving heirs’ property could help families generate value and address the U.S. racial wealth gap.

Reclaiming Mafia Assets for the Common Good

Libera Terra, born out of Italian anti-mafia legislation, works to reestablish confiscated Mafia assets and farmland to create socially just sustainable communities.

Farms for the Future: 20 Organizations Protecting Farmland

These 20 organizations are protecting small farmers and their land around the world.

Grabbing Land: An Excerpt from Nourished Planet

Land grabbing occurs when private investors, often encouraged by governments, purchase and take over control of farmland. This escalates food price volatility, food insecurity, and poverty, which is most burdensome on rural and developing areas.

Opinion | Getting Creative – How City Farmers Find Space to Do Their Jobs

Urban farmers are reclaiming empty lots, yards, abandoned parks, and even the patches of grass between sidewalks and roads in order to grow food — here’s why.

Providing Legal Aid for Farmers

Seventeen percent of current farmers struggle with land access. Twenty percent of past farmers left the field due to this burden. The recently released Farmland Access Legal Toolkit hopes to help.

It’s e-Farmony: Suzanna Denison Pairs Landless Farmers with Landowners

Suzanna Denison is passionate about linking landless, aspiring farmers with non-farming landowners and retiring farmers.

Hurricane Maria Has Devastated Puerto Rico’s Farmland

Hurricane Maria is the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico in almost a century. Major flooding and landslides have caused extensive damage to farmland and crops, and there is an urgent need for emergency food and water supplies.

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