India is famous for its native cattle. But, thanks to cross-breeding with non-native dairy cattle breeds, India risks losing its genetic heritage for good.
EU-wide testing reveals Low Levels of Phenylbutazone in Horse Meat
Low levels of the veterinary drug, Phenylbutazone, were found in horse carcasses across the European Union.
Water Resource Cooperation in Nepali Villages
In Nepal, Himalayan home to the third-largest water reservoir, inefficiency in policy and infrastructure is creating an unnecessary scarcity.
The Five-Borough Farm Project: Expanding urban agriculture potential in NYC
The Five Borough Farm synthesizes urban agriculture research to create innovative metrics and a comprehensive strategy for expanding NYC’s capabilities.
Addressing the Link Between Disability and Food Insecurity
Disability prevents both producers and consumers from accessing food and a healthy livelihood.
Legumes and Beans: One Key to Improving Food Security in Malawi
As part of its efforts to improve food security, Malawi has increased production of legumes and beans.
Phone app AppliFish helps consumers choose sustainable fish
Applifish is a new phone app that helps consumers learn about the sustainability of the fish they purchase.
Interview with Janelle Kapoor, Director of the Ashevillage Institute’s New Urban Farm School
Food Tank interviews Janell Kapoor about the Ashevillage Institute’s new holistic Urban Farm School in Asheville, North Carolina.
Science Forum 2013: Nutrition, Health and Agricultural Research
CGIAR’s third biennial Science Forum focuses on the links between nutrition, health and agriculture. The event will be held in Bonn, Germany in September 2013.
FRESH Congress to be Held in Paris in June
Produce leaders talk sustainability at FRESH2013 in Paris
CommonWealth Urban Farms Gives Old Space New Life
An Oklahoma City organization, CommonWealth Urban Farms is striving to make its hometown a more sustainable place through its initiatives in urban agriculture.
California’s Full Belly Farm Proving That Organic Family Farms Can Also Be Profitable
Full Belly Farm is an innovative example of a small farming enterprise that has pioneered the use of organic agriculture and agricultural diversity.
The Taste of Comfort for Syrian Refugees
As violence ravages their home and life savings disappear, many Syrian refugees are getting a taste of the home with the U.N. World Food Program’s (WFP) voucher-based food aid. According to an article published by WFP, nearly 200,000 Syrians have fled the violent conflict to nearby…
Algal Blooms Continue to Threaten Lake Erie Ecosystem
The extreme algal blooms in Lake Erie have been growing increasingly since 2011. This is due to both climate change and farming practices.
Register to Attend the Innovative Ideas to Change the World Contest!
On May 21, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host the Innovative Ideas to Feed the World Competition.
Food Hero Series: Rose Karimi, Women Going Green
Rose Karimi developed Women Going Green, a project aimed at improving climate change adaptation and food security for smallholder women coffee farmers in Kenya.
BCFN YES! 2012 Finalist Profile: Wahyu Wijaya
BCFN YES! finalist, Wahyu Wijaya’s seeks a process to turn microalgae into a food ingredient high in nutrition and low on environmental impact.
BCFN YES! 2012 Finalist Profile: Francesca Allievi
Francesca Allievi, BCFN YES! 2012 Finalist, looks to create an easy to read food label that describes products’ healthfulness and environmental sustainability.
Salmon Populations and Their Habitat Threatened by Proposed Mining Operation
Plans to build a large-scale mining operation puts Alaskan salmon, fishermen, and an entire ecosystem at risk.
Slow Fish Event: The Sea Belongs to Everyone
Genoa, Italy’s Porto Antico will host the sixth bi-annual Slow Fish event from May 9th -12th to raise awareness about the sea and promote good, clean and fair f