
Innovation for Sustainability: Chicken Tractors, a Simple Innovation with a Big Payoff

The chicken tractor is a sustainable, humane, cost-effective, and fun way for farmers to integrate chickens into an agro-ecological system.

Skyscraper Farms Will Take Urban Agriculture to New Heights

Growing up may bear fruit in the fruit in the future. Skyscraper farms can be a reality.

Indigenous Crop: Dika – On the Brink of Domestication

The dika tree is only found in Western Africa. Known for its seeds, the dika tree also provides shade in the heat and humidity.

Exploring gender-based inequalities in land ownership in Africa

The International Food Policy Research Institute looks to more fully explore the gender-based inequalities in land ownership that exist across Africa.

Organic Agriculture — Between Pragmatism & Romanticisms: Insights into the work of FiBL in Frick

The Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL) looks to youth education to promote organic farming.

Going Against the Grain to Use Less Water: Rice Farmers Experiment with Direct-Seeded Rice

In these water-scarce times, direct-seeded rice can help farmers reduce water and labor inputs while maintaining or even improving rice yields.

Encouraging Youth Involvement in Agriculture and Agribusiness

Young Professionals’ Platform for Agricultural Research and Development (YPARD) advocates for more young farmers in Nigeria.

The Farm Bill reform that will feed millions

​A small but lifesaving change is a big political step toward a smarter food aid system.

The Least of Your Problems

Alan Guebert explains how America’s beef industry continues to go shockingly unchecked, while American consumers continue to bear the brunt.

NEW REPORT: Food Tank By The Numbers: Family Farming

Food Tank highlights new research showing how family farms, can nourish the world while protecting the environment in a new report, Food Tank by the Numbers.

Sustainable Business: The Sustainable Food Center

The Sustainable Food Center (SFC) is supporting central Texans, enabling them to grow, share, and prepare wholesome local food.

Feces Can Change the World: Using Human Excreta as Fertilizer

Waste management and soil scientists meet to discuss using human excretion to fertilize farms and gardens.

Stories from IFAD: Farmers Field Schools

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is supporting communities in Tanzania, refining their livelihoods.

European Agriculture Must Factor In Young Farmers

The European Council of Young Farmers has launched a campaign aiming at enhancing the role of young farmers in shaping future of Europe’s agricultural system.

GFAR Works for “A Revolution in Agricultural Research for Development”

GFAR’s mission to create a platform for resource sharing and collaboration is moving stakeholders toward a much-needed “revolution in agricultural development.”

VIDEO RELEASE: Family Farmers + You = A Well Nourished World

Food Tank’s new video, produced in collaboration with Greener Media, reveals that when family farmers have the right tools, they have limitless potential.

Food Tank’s Spring Reading List

Food Tank has hand-picked 16 books that have educated, inspired, and informed us for your spring reading list.

Real Food Media Contest Films Highlight Sustainable Farming and Agriculture

The Real Food Media Project has selected the top films among the submissions from its Real Food Media Contest.

Capital City Farming: 10 Urban Agriculture Projects in Washington, DC

Food Tank highlights ten urban agriculture projects in Washington, DC.

More and More, Indigenous Crops Are Being Celebrated Across the Globe

Anti-GMO movement is enjoying both wide-spread publicity and legal wins

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