
World Central Kitchen Documentary Shines a Spotlight on Chef José Andrés

A new documentary, We Feed People, shows the evolution of international food relief nonprofit, World Central Kitchen.

Preparing Chefs for the Modern Culinary Industry

In order to succeed in the modern culinary and hospitality industries, Chef Daryl Shular says chefs must have business skills, understand the science of cooking, and advocate for sustainability.

Food Tank’s Spring 2022 Book List

Food Tank is rounding up 20 titles that celebrate ancestral farming practices, document the importance of marine ecosystems, introduce readers to new recipes, and more.

Chef Marc Murphy Helps Feed Ukrainian Refugees Fleeing Violence

Working with World Central Kitchen, Chef Marc Murphy is working to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing violence.

Andrew Zimmern: “I Don’t Understand How Any Politician Can Be Against Feeding Hungry Children”

At the Future of Food @ SXSW Andrew Zimmern discusses the future of the restaurant industry, the need for greater collaboration, and why the best metaphor for the food system is a Mobius strip.

“Stand in Your Authority. And the Only Way You Can Do That Is to Know What You Know,” Says Toni Tipton-Martin

Toni Tipton-Martin discusses the contributions of historical Black culinary professionals, her latest cookbook, and importance of rigor and discipline to becoming who you are.

“Agriculture is where nature and culture meet,” says pioneering artist and chef Jim Denevan

Denevan’s creations are a practice in the ever-changing, temporal nature of life, as well as the interconnection of all eaters. Both his art and dinners emphasize​​ the need for collaboration between eaters and the environment.

18 Inspiring Documentaries on Food and Agriculture

Check out some of Food Tank’s favorite recent food docs and docuseries.

19 Cookbooks for Food Justice and Sustainability

These books can help readers tackle food waste, learn about foraging, and find new recipes to help them through the weekdays.

Cook With Food Tank: Live Lively With This Plant-Based Recipe From Youth Health Advocate Haile Thomas

Haile Thomas, CEO of The HAPPY Organization and an internationally recognized youth health advocate, shares her recipe for roasted cauliflower with chimichurri sauce, a delicious plant-based meal from her cookbook Living Lively.

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